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2024 Student Case Competition

IFAMA World Conferences convene members from academia, industry, government, NGOs, and young professionals from around the world to share, learn, explore, and build upon the latest research trends and innovations currently shaping the agribusiness sector. We are pleased to announce that the IFAMA 2024 Student Case Competition will be hosted in Almería, Spain as part of the 34th annual World Conference, 17–21 June 2024, on the theme: Food Security through Innovation and Sustainability.

View the Schedule 

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In its 19th year, IFAMA's International Student Case Competition is the only global case competition specifically targeting the agribusiness sector bringing together students from around the world in a rare venue that enables them to demonstrate their analytical and problem-solving skills before a panel of judges representing Industry and Academia. The competition provides students and their universities a global stage to showcase the next generation of leaders in the ag sector.

Team Structure

The 2024 competition will provide the opportunity for teams to compete in three divisions: undergraduate students; graduate students, or early career professionals. Early career professionals should be under 35-years old. Teams can have from 3–5 members.

Undergraduate teams must be comprised of only undergraduates. Mixed teams are allowed among the graduate and young professional levels; however, the team must be primarily composed of members within that category.

Universities may also send multiple teams. Individual student applications are also accepted, and teams can be formed with students from multiple universities (IFAMA can assist in this pairing if needed). A current IFAMA membership is required before team members can participate.

A person who is not already on a team but would like to compete can join an International team by submitting an individual application. Once all applications are received, IFAMA will make every effort to pair individuals with other unattached students or young professionals in level-appropriate divisions. To apply, submit an Unaffiliated Individual Application and we will contact you once all the applications are received. A special rate fee is available for people who apply to join an International team.

Answers to Questions about 2024 SCC  

Role of the Advisor

Each team must have either an academic or industry advisor. The advisor will be the key point of contact between IFAMA and the team prior to the competition. Although advisors play a major role in helping students prepare for the competition, students must work independently from their advisor during the competition. Students and advisors will be given the scoring rubric to be used by the judges after enrolling in the competition.

Preliminary Rounds

All teams will gather before the preliminary competition for a meeting in Almería on Sunday evening, 16-June.

The Preliminary Rounds will take place in El Ejido on 17-June. Students will be bussed to El Ejido from their hotel. The exact start times and location for each team will be provided in advance of the competition. Teams will receive the case five hours prior to their assigned presentation time.

Each team will have four hours (with a 1-hour break) from the time they receive their packet, to analyze the case, formulate a solution and create a PowerPoint presentation, which they will present before a panel of industry and academic judges. It is expected that team members will have comparable speaking roles and significantly contribute to their team’s presentation.

The presentation will be public but participating teams may not attend the presentations of other competing teams. Approximately 25 minutes will be allocated for each presentation, five minutes for set up, 15 minutes allotted for the presentation, and five minutes for a question and answer period with the judges. The judges will evaluate each team based on their written documents, presentation, and responses to the judges’ questions.

Finals Round

The top two or three teams selected by the judges in each division will be invited to advance to a Finals Round in El Ejido on Tuesday, 18-June for another day of preparations. These teams will be showcased during a grand finale session in Almeria during the Business Forum on Wednesday, 19-June before a panel of high-level judges and conference attendees.

The winners in each division will be formally recognized during the IFAMA awards ceremony on Thursday, 20-June. Cash prizes and internship opportunities will be awarded.

Conference Registration Prices

Register for Conference here


15 Apr   |   Deadline to submit an application for Teams and Individuals

01 May   |   Deadline to register for conference

16 Jun   |   Team check-in and orientation (in Central Almería)

17 Jun   |   Student Case Competition – Preliminary Round (in El Ejido)

18 Jun   |   Student Case Competition – Finals Round (in El Ejido)

19 Jun   |   Grand Finale presentations during the Business Forum (in Almería)

20 Jun   |   Awards presented during Presidential Banquet (in Almería)

Visit our Sponsors

International Seed Federation
Gautíer Semences
Semillas Fitó Global
Sakata Vegetables Europe

2024 Student Case Competitiom Co-chairs

Rocío Reina Paniagua, San Telmo Business School, Spain
Juan Jose Bolaños, Ceiba Consulting Co., Costa Rica

Would you like to view preparation videos and resources from prior competitions to help you prepare? Contact us at:

Questions regarding any aspect of this competition may be directed to Kathryn White:

Why Compete?



All team members must be current IFAMA members. Download and complete the team or unaffiliated individual application below.

Team Application

Unaffiliated Individual Application

After you have completed the form, use the information on the form to register online, by clicking the button below. Please register your team by April 15, 2024.

SCC Preparation Video

Watch this video to learn how to analyze a case and prepare a novel solution. Plus, you’ll learn strategies to help your team shine and improve your presentation skills.

View the slides from "Mastering the Case" here.

The video workshop is hosted by Rocío Renia Paniagua and Juan José Bolaños, co-chairs of the 2024 Student Case Competition.

Masterclass: Network Like a Boss

Watch this video. This Masterclass is tailored for students and early career professionals. Discover invaluable tips and tricks to excel at any networking event, supercharging your career trajectory.

View the slides from "Network Like a Boss" here.

The Masterclass is hosted by Michelle Marais, an agricultural economist with extensive experience.


Questions regarding any aspect of this competition may be directed to Kathryn White:

Learn More

SCC Schedule

Team Recruitment Info

Travel Logistics and Budgeting

About the IFAMA Student Case Competition

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