2020 | VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review |
Research Articles
Mahir Pradana, Rubén Huertas-García, Frederic Marimon, pp. 189–202
Keywords: halal food, halal marketing, religious involvement, purchase intention, structural equation model
Farm expansion under credit constraint: evidence from commercial rice farmers in Guangxi, China
Xinjian Chen, Di Zeng, Hui Zhang, Chen Kang, pp. 203–216
Keywords: credit constrains, farm size, farm expand, rice farmer, China
Farmer satisfaction and cocoa cooperative performance: evidence from Tocache, Peru
Angie Higuchi, Daniel Coq-Huelva, Ruth Arias-Gutierrez, Rafaela Alfalla-Luque, pp. 217–234
Keywords: cocoa, cooperative, Peru, exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis
Z. Mati Mohammadi, Pablo Mac Clay, Roberto Feeney, Pedro Harmath, Masi Keshavarz, Michael A. Gunderson, pp. 235–252
Keywords: Farmers’ characteristics, management strategies, large commercial producer, cross-country comparison, Argentina, United States
Jui-Hsiung Chuang, Jiun-Hao Wang, Chaoyun Liang, pp. 253–266
Keywords: Internet of Things, smart agriculture, technology acceptance model, technological innovation, young farmer
Assessing the performance of regional soybean prices in Ghana
Edward Martey, Nicolas Gatti, Peter Goldsmith, pp. 267–282
Keywords: soybean, cointegration, price transmission, time series, vector auto regression
Identifying risk in production agriculture: an application of best-worst scaling
Cosmos Atta, Eric T. Micheels, pp. 283–300
Keywords: risk, risk management, best-worst scaling, latent class cluster
Review Articles
Chinese consumers’ willingness to pay for organic foods: a conceptual review |
Rui Li, Chien-Hsing Lee, Yu-Ting Lin, Chi-Wei Liu, pp. 173–188
Keywords: willingness to pay, Chinese consumers, organic foods
Case Study
Tamas Mizik, pp. 301–312
Keywords: cooperative, case study, finance, investment, collateral
Peppers & More1: a teaching case in organizational behavior
Meike Rombach, Shema E. Paul, Lukas F. Niedermann, Vera Bitsch, pp. 313–318
Keywords: communication, conflict, horticulture, job rotation, job satisfaction, organizational structure, work motivation
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