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2019  |  VOLUME 22 ISSUE 3

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

Research Articles

Seek and you shall find: the role of exploitive and explorative search in a biotechnology firm’s patent claims

Desmond Ng, Leonardo Sánchez-Aragón, Samir Huseynov, pp. 321–337

Keywords: patent claims, exploitive and explorative search, innovation

Who’s responsible here? US resident perceptions of food retailer social responsibility

Nicole Olynk Widmar, Christopher A. Wolf, Carissa, J. Morgan, W. Scott Downey, Candace C. Croney, pp. 339–350

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, best-worst scaling, supermarkets, agribusiness

Determinants of the adoption of biological control of the Diaphorina citri by citrus growers in São Paulo State, Brazil

Andreia C.O. Adami, Silvia H.G. Miranda, Ìtalo Delalibera Jr., pp. 351–364

Keywords: biological control, greening, willingness to adopt, contingent valuation, citrus

Strategic resources and smallholder performance at the bottom of the pyramid

Matthias Olthaar, Wilfred Dolfsma, Clemens Lutz, Florian Noseleit, pp. 365–380

Keywords: resource-based theory, competitive advantage, mixed method, smallholder performance

Study on the governance mechanism of rural e-commerce service centers in rural China: agency problems and solutions

Yi Cai, Deqiang Wang, Chunping Xia, Cuicui Wang, pp. 381–396

Keywords: rural e-commerce service, asymmetric information, moral hazard, adverse selection, rural China

An alternative approach to measuring demand changes in meat markets

Anton Bekkerman, Gary W. Brester, Glynn T. Tonsor, pp. 397–412

Keywords: beef, demand index, lamb, meat, pork, poultry, quantity demanded

Review Article

Insights of innovation and competitiveness in meat supply chains

Alice Munz Fernandes, Odilene de Souza Teixeira, Heitor Vieira Rios, Maria Eugênia Andrighetto Canozzi, Glauco Schultz, Júlio Otávio Jardim Barcellos, pp. 413–427

Keywords: agribusiness, competitive advantage, convergence, market relations

Case Studies

An intergenerational farm transfer: when to start handing over the reins?

Iuliia Tetteh, Michael Boehlje, pp. 429–434

Keywords: intergenerational farm transfer, estate and succession planning, farmer productivity, farm family living expenses

Vertical coordination in the Brazilian milk supply chain: the case of 3B Agro LTDA

Silas Simeon Hayer, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto, Dietrich Darr, pp. 435–449

Keywords: vertical coordination, contract farming, supply chain, dairy industry, incomplete contracts, principal-agent problem, business expansion

ConAgra foods 2015 and the limits of debt: rewriting a recipe that just didn’t work

Susan White, Carlos Trejo-Pech, Magdy Noguera, pp. 451–463

Keywords: agribusiness finance, debt level, business strategy, mergers and acquisitions

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