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2019  |  VOLUME 22 ISSUE 4

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

Research Articles

What to communicate: selecting the information content to increase the demand for food products

Elisa Garrido-Castro, Francisco José Torres-Ruiz pp. 465–481

Keywords: communication campaigns, information content, Qualitative Comparative Analysis, virgin olive oils 

Hedonic pricing of goat characteristics at the market level: the case of Pakistan

Waseem Ahmad, Tanvir Ahmed, Bashir Ahmad, pp. 483–497

Keywords: goat characteristics, hedonic model, heteroscedastic consistent covariance, traders, buyer preferences

De-commoditizing Ethiopian coffees after the establishment of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange: an empirical investigation of smallholder coffee producers in Ethiopia

Tinsae Demise Handino, Marijke D’Haese, Freaw Demise, Misginaw Tamirat, pp. 499–518

Keywords: commoditization, cooperative membership, certification, propensity score matching

Research on crop insurance and change in farmers’ welfare: evidence from China’s Inner Mongolia

Lijuan Zhao, Junhong Shi, Xiaohong Kang, Hua Hong, pp. 519–533

Keywords: crop insurance, welfare, fuzzy evaluation, capabilities, farmers

Thinking beyond collateral in value chain lending: access to bank credit for smallholder Vietnamese bamboo and cinnamon farmers

Do Xuan Luan, Aaron J. Kingsbury, pp. 535–555

Keywords: value chain lending, smallholder farmers, Vietnam, bamboo, cinnamon

Managing working capital efficiency in Turkish agribusinesses and the impact of globalization: insights from an emerging market

Ece C. Akdoğan, Dilek Temiz Dinç, pp. 557–569

Keywords: working capital management efficiency, profitability, agribusinesses, emerging markets, globalization

Factors influencing the adoption of smart farming by Brazilian grain farmers

Dieisson Pivoto, Bradford Barham, Paulo Dabdab Waquil, Cristian Rogério Foguesatto, Vitor Francisco Dalla Corte, Debin Zhang, Edson Talamini pp. 571–588

Keywords: smart farming, innovation in agriculture, future farming, industry 4.0 

Economics of fumigation in tomato production: the impact of methyl bromide phase-out on the Florida tomato industry

Xiang Cao, Zhengfei Guan, Gary E. Vallad, Feng Wu, pp. 589–600

Keywords: fumigation, methyl bromide alternatives, cost effectiveness, economic impact 

The Argentinian wheat milling industry - characterizing the operations of its two main company types

Julian C.F.M. Zschocke, pp. 601–619

Keywords: Argentina, wheat, milling, Molino Cañuelas, transaction cost economics

Case Study

How to become a system integrator streamlining vegetable supply chains: the case of Songxiaocai Company

Yanfei Yao, Fu Jia, Wenhui Fu, Hongdong Guo, pp. 621–634

Keywords: vegetable supply chain, China, demand-driven, teaching case

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