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Academic Symposium

Call for Extended Abstracts and Papers 

Scholars are invited to submit novel proposals concerning the future of food and agribusiness surrounding the themes of technology, environment, disruptors, energy and health. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present during the IFAMA 2025 conference in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil on 23–26 June, 2025.

Download the 2025 Call for Papers

Hot Topics

Innovations in Agriculture and Sustainability

Sustainable agriculture is at the forefront of addressing the environmental challenges faced by agribusiness today. New technologies and regenerative practices are transforming how we approach resource efficiency, soil health, and biodiversity conservation. How can innovative farming techniques contribute to improving resource use while preserving natural ecosystems? What lessons can be learned from successful cases of regenerative agriculture to scale these practices globally?

Digital Transformation and Automation

Automation and artificial intelligence are rapidly modernizing agricultural practices, driving efficiency and precision in farming operations. Digital technologies are also reshaping the food supply chain, from farm to table, enhancing transparency, traceability, and sustainability. How can artificial intelligence and automation be leveraged to optimize agricultural productivity and reduce waste? What are the key challenges and opportunities in integrating digital technologies across the global food supply chain?

Talent Development and Diversity in Agribusiness

Agriculture faces a complex labor crisis that is primarily driven by labor shortages due to aging populations and a lack of young talent to fill the jobs. What strategies can agribusinesses employ to address labor shortages and enhance talent development? How can the sector promote diversity and inclusion to drive innovation and long-term success?

Renewable Energy and Bioenergy Sustainability

Bioenergy is poised to play a pivotal role in the transition to renewable energy sources, offering sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. Innovations in bioenergy are driving significant advancements in global sustainability, reducing carbon footprints, and promoting energy independence. How can bioenergy innovations accelerate the global shift toward renewable energy? What are the environmental and economic impacts of integrating bioenergy into existing energy systems?

Global Market and Food Security

Shifting consumption trends are reshaping the global food landscape, presenting both challenges and opportunities for food security. Ensuring resilient and sustainable food production and distribution systems is critical to meet the needs of a growing population. How can changing consumer preferences impact global food security, and what strategies can be implemented to ensure stability? What approaches can strengthen the resilience of food supply chains in the face of climate change and market volatility?

Development of Cooperatives and Associations

Cooperatives and associations play a crucial role in fostering collaboration and creating competitive advantages for agribusinesses, particularly in resource sharing and market access. These organizations empower smallholders and larger businesses alike, driving innovation and sustainability. How do cooperatives and associations enhance the competitive edge of agribusinesses in today’s market? What are some successful examples of innovative cooperation models that have transformed the agribusiness sector?

Biotechnology and Precision Agriculture

Advances in biotechnology are revolutionizing agricultural practices, from crop enhancement to disease resistance, while precision agriculture is enabling farmers to optimize resources and reduce environmental impacts. Together, these innovations are shaping the future of sustainable farming. How is biotechnology driving transformative changes in agriculture? What role does precision agriculture play in increasing efficiency and minimizing the ecological footprint of modern farming?

Direct questions and inquiries about the Symposium to:

Broader Themes
  • Agribusiness strategies to optimize value chain management.
  • The connection between agribusiness strategies and the use of technology.
  • Customer orientation and marketing approaches in agribusiness.
  • Volatility and availability of commodity prices.
  • Issues related to food safety, health, and security.
  • Agribusiness education in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities.
  • Conservation, circular, and regenerative agriculture practices.
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship in agribusiness.
  • Environmental policies that create opportunities for agribusiness management.
  • New strategies to address food loss and waste in the supply chain.
  • Attracting and retaining the next generation of young professionals in agribusiness.
  • Access to finance, cooperatives, and associations for smallholder farmers.
  • Knowledge transfer and talent development for low-skilled workers in agriculture.
  • Digital sustainability in agribusiness: balancing digitalization with sustainability goals.
  • The impact of geopolitical uncertainties on agribusiness strategies, market trends, and new business opportunities.
  • Conservation and regenerative agriculture: opportunities and challenges for agribusiness firms.
  • ESG in agribusiness: understanding the costs, benefits, and differing perspectives between managers and academics.
  • The potential of carbon credit markets for agribusiness firms.
  • The role of agribusiness in fostering rural development and poverty reduction in emerging economies.
  • Technological adoption barriers and opportunities for small and medium-sized agribusinesses in emerging markets.
  • Leveraging Brazil’s biodiversity for sustainable agriculture and biotechnology advancements.


Extended abstracts of 5–7 pages must be written in English and structured as follows:

  • Problem definition, context, and relevance of a paper. Provide references to key literature
  • Methodology
  • Implications for policymakers and/or food and agribusiness firms
  • Key findings
  • Conclusions
  • References — A maximum of five literature references may be added at the end of the abstract text.

Full papers and teaching cases of up to 9,000 words – to report completed research.

Poster papers of up to 2,000 words – to propose a research idea, seek research collaboration, present a literature review, describe a research design, or report work-in-progress.

Submission Timeline

01 October, 2024 Submissions accepted

22 November, 2024 Deadline for Early Decision: extended abstracts, full papers, and teaching cases

13 January, 2025 Deadline for extended abstracts, full papers, and teaching cases

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review. Feedback is sent to authors between November 2024 and March 2025.

Please submit extended abstracts, papers, and teaching cases through the Submittable Portal.

Practitioner Discussion Sessions

Practitioners who would like to host and facilitate a discussion around a topical issue during the conference are invited to submit an abstract of approximately 500 words no later than 31 January, 2025. The abstract should include:

  • Industry background
  • Presentation objectives
  • Problems addressed.
  • Results in terms of contribution to the practice of (continuous) innovation management. If your abstract is accepted you will be asked to submit a PowerPoint/Poster presentation, before 30 April, 2025.

Please send abstracts for practitioners to Symposium Chair: Rodrigo Lourenço Farinha,

Best Paper Competition

The aim of the Best Paper Competition is to attract and recognize research that distinctively rises above the normal criteria of selected Symposium presentations and offers authors a double-blind peer-review process and opportunity to be published in IFAMA’s journal, in the IFAMR 2025 Conference Edition. Authors are invited to submit their best scientific research for consideration in the Best Paper Award competition. To participate, please submit a full paper by 13 January, 2025. See Best Paper Competition Guidelines here.

Best Paper Chair: Ram Acharya, Professor, New Mexico State University, USA.

For questions about the Best Paper Competition, please email:

Learn more…

Case Conference & Teaching Cases

The International Food and Agribusiness Management Association is committed to developing and showcasing best practice in case study writing, teaching, and learning to promote problem-solving and knowledge transfer skills in the next generation of agri-food management talent.

The Case Conference track of IFAMA’s academic Symposium is directed at a broad audience of professionals who are interested in developing effective food and agribusiness related cases and using them as learning tools, as well as for those interested in the specific case topics discussed. The Teaching Case Workshop also includes “featured cases” that are structured to provide constructive feedback to the case writers on their cases and discussion leadership skills. By modeling the case discussion process, we hope to encourage others to write cases or use cases (and the case discussion method) in their classes. IFAMA will showcase the best teaching case studies and recognize the Best Teaching Case with an award.

Bernardo Piazzardi, Executive Director at MBA in Agribusiness Universidad Austral, Argentina. 
Susana Falcão, Executive Director, Fondation Ondjyla, Switzerland

For questions about the Best Paper Competition, please email:

Learn more…

Special Issue and Publication

Authors are invited to submit their best research and case studies for inclusion in the 2025 Conference Special Issue, published in IFAMA’s Journal the International Food and Agribusiness Review (IFAMR).

The 2025 Scientific Review Committee will identify full papers that meet the criteria for inclusion in the Special Issue and those papers nominated as a finalist for the Best Paper Award Competition. Papers nominated for the Best Paper Award are sent to the BPA Chair for a comprehensive and fast-track double-blind peer review. For more information contact Ram Acharya,

Symposium Chair

Rodrigo Lourenco Farinha
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-EAESP), and Markestrat, Brazil

Please direct all questions and inquiries about the Symposium to:,
r Rodrigo Lourenço Farinha,

Scientific Committee

Claudio Pinheiro Machado Filho
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting / PENSA – FEA - USP

Cristiano França da Cunha
State University of Campinas - UNICAMP

Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture / ESALQ/USP

Eric Micheels
Associate Professor, College of Agriculture & Biosources
University of Saskatchewan, Canada

João Eustachio
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Jonny Mateus Rodrigues
Getúlio Vargas Foundation / FGV

Leandro Gilio
Institute of Education and Research / Insper

Lesley Carina do Lago Attadia Galli
School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of Jaboticabal / FCAV/UNESP

Luciana Florêncio de Almeida
ESPM Business School - SP

Luciano Thomé e Castro
Harven Agribusiness School

Luis Humberto Villwock
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul / PUCRS

Marco Antônio Conejero
Fluminense Federal University - UFF

Marcos Fava Neves
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting of Ribeirão Preto / FEARP - USP

Markus Frank
Department for Agriculture, Economics & ManagementNuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany

Roberto Fava Scare
Harven Agribusiness School

Roberto Feeney
Professor, Business Studies
University Austral, Argentina

Silvia Morales de Q. Caleman
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS

Vinicius Cambaúva
Harven Agribusiness School

Vivian Lara dos Santos Silva
School of Animal Science and Food Engineering – FZEA/USP

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